Account Creation Progress:

Complete the Guardian Profile below to create an Account!

Important Please remember to select a good password. This is private information.

Step #1
Fill out the form completely:

  1. Please ensure that your contact information matches the PGCPS student information database.
  2. PGCPS Full Time Employees please note your School Location.
  3. Your email address will be used for communication. Please whitelist our emails (add our address to your list of safe senders).

Step #2
Select the 'Lookup Account' button.


Important When creating this profile, please DO NOT use any student PGCPS email addresses.

Parent/Guardian Information:
Address: (physical address required)

Telephone: (###-###-####)

Login Information:

Need Assistance:

General Registration Questions - Contact Your School (School Finder) (PGCPS Schools)

Scribbles Technical Support - Contact Scribbles Software - Email:

Charter Schools Lottery Forms - Email:

Specialty Program Lottery Forms - Email:

Special Registration Circumstances - Please contact the Office of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries for more information:  301-952-6300 or Email: